Understanding Workout Lingo
You want me to do whaaaaat?
There have been so many times when I’ve enthusiastically asked one of my friends to join me for a HIIIT Class, and they’ve gotten the wrong idea…When it comes to fitness and working out, there are quite a few abbreviations to learn nowadays. You might be taking a fitness class and hear me or another fitness instructor shout out it’s time for some AMRAP…some whaaaat?
Let’s break down some of the common workout lingo to help you avoid that confused look.
-AMRAP = As many rounds as possible of a number of exercises you can do within a set time period.
-EMOM = Every minute on the minute you have to complete an exercise/or several exercises at the beginning of each minute.
-TABATA = 20 seconds of intense work follwed by 10 seconds of rest and repeat.
-HIIT = High intensity interval training: short bursts of fast, intense, explosive work.
-LISS = Low intensity steady-state cardio such as running or cycling at a steady pace for a longer period of time.
I hope this helps for when you come across these abbreviations next, and that it will help you understand some of your current workouts better.